07/06/2025 15:00
Competition starts in::
Swim to medal
The day before the IRONMAN race, compete in an open water event! The starting point, located by Lake ZegrzyΕski at the NieporΔt port, offers a chance to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of triathlon competitions.
Date |
June 7 th, 2025 |
Start |
Port NieporΔt / ZegrzyΕskie Lake |
Course |
750 m and 1500 m |
Time limit |
30 minutes – distanceΒ 750 m 1 hourΒ – distance 1500 m |
OpΕaty startowe
Tier 1 |
100 PLN |
since March 31, 2025 |
Tier 2 |
125 PLN |
since June 1, 2025 |
Limit |
150 entries |
Registartion will closed onΒ June 1 stΒ 2025